Discover Your Path to

Financial Freedom, Spiritual Growth, and Emotional Wellness


Holistic Approach to Personal
Development and Transformation:

Building The Whole You, founded by Blanche Woods, is a holistic approach to personal development and transformation. It focuses on financial freedom, spiritual growth, and emotional wellness. Blanche believes that addressing these areas is essential for achieving true freedom and prosperity.

The finance pillar emphasizes attaining financial freedom, as it allows individuals to serve God’s kingdom and make a positive impact. Blanche recognizes that debt limits potential and teaches financial management skills for abundance.

The vision at Building The Whole You is concise: holistic personal development through addressing financial freedom, spiritual growth, and emotional wellness for true freedom and prosperity.




Finance, Spirituality, and Emotional Wellness:
An Interconnected Approach

Blanche Woods founded Building The Whole You to address the interconnection of finance, spirituality, and emotional wellness. When finances are in order, it brings peace of mind, allowing individuals to focus on spiritual growth. Removing financial worries enables a different mindset in work and daily life. Blanche believes that aligning one’s spirit with a higher power provides direction and clarity, leading to emotional wellness.

Building The Whole You was motivated by the founder’s experiences with financial struggles. She noticed a lack of enthusiasm for financial liberty in her church, prompting her to take on the responsibility of spreading the message. The goal is to guide individuals in replacing bad habits with faith-based tools for everyday life.

Through her YouTube channel and Instagram, Blanche offers support and shares insights, tips, and encouragement. Building The Whole You invites individuals to embark on a transformative journey of personal growth, aiming for freedom, prosperity, and a balanced life.


Building The Whole You:
Key Elements and Principles


• Financial Freedom: Break free from debt and achieve financial independence.
• Responsible Money Management: Learn budgeting, saving, investing, and wise spending.
• Generosity: Use financial resources to positively impact others and the community.
• Kingdom Building: Serve and contribute to the growth of God's kingdom.


• Alignment with Higher Power: Connect with a higher source (God) for spiritual growth and guidance.
• Peace of Mind: Attain inner peace through faith, trust, and surrender.
• Purposeful Work: Approach daily activities with purpose and a desire to make a difference.
• Faith-based Principles: Apply teachings from spiritual texts to navigate life's challenges.

Emotional Wellness

• Hope and Resilience: Cultivate a positive mindset and find hope in difficult circumstances.
• Emotional Healing: Address past wounds and develop healthy coping mechanisms.
• Connection to the Source: Seek guidance and clarity from a higher power.
• Community Support: Surround yourself with a supportive community for growth and well-being.

Building The Whole You encourages individuals to examine their habits, thoughts, and behaviors. It provides faith-based tools and practical strategies to replace negative patterns with positive ones. By joining the Building The Whole You community, individuals can learn, grow, and build a solid foundation for their overall well-being.

Mission Statement

Our mission at Building The Whole You is to provide transformative resources, guidance, and support to individuals seeking holistic personal development. We are committed to addressing the three pillars of financial freedom, spiritual growth, and emotional wellness, as we believe that true freedom and prosperity encompass all aspects of life. By offering faith-based tools, practical strategies, and a supportive community, we aim to help individuals unpack unhealthy habits, embrace positive change, and live a life of purpose, abundance, and joy.

Through our YouTube channel, Instagram presence, and various platforms, we strive to empower individuals to build the whole of themselves and create a ripple effect of transformation in their families, churches, and communities. So let’s embark on a growth journey and build the whole you.

Vision Statement

Our vision at Building The Whole You is to see individuals living in complete freedom and prosperity in every area of their lives. We envision a community of empowered individuals who have achieved financial independence, experienced spiritual growth, and attained emotional wellness.

Through our holistic approach, we strive to inspire and guide individuals to build a solid foundation that enables them to reach their fullest potential and positively impact the world.

Building Materials

The Blueprint


(1) 60 minutes 1 on 1 Customized Critical Needs Assessment to identify Priority Areas of Need via zoom

*Prices are subject to change due to scheduling and availability.

All sales are final

The Foundation


User Friendly Financial Strategic Plan

Access to a step by step how to video

(1 ) - 60 minutes 1 on 1 Coaching and Accountability session via zoom

*Prices are subject to change due to scheduling and availability.

All sales are final

The Walls **MOST POPULAR**


User Friendly Financial Strategic Plan

Access to a step by step how to video

(3) - 60 minutes 1 on 1 Coaching and Accountability session via zoom

*Prices are subject to change due to scheduling and availability.

All sales are final

The Building


User Friendly Financial Strategic Plan

Access to a step by step how to video

(6) - 60 minutes 1 on 1 Coaching and Accountability session via zoom

*Prices are subject to change due to scheduling and availability.

All sales are final

Growing ME


A growth and wellness session is a time to focus on your personal, spiritual, and emotional development and wellness. During these session(s) we will:

Identify areas of strength and weaknesses

Establish growth and development activities

Form strategic plans for successful outcomes and celebrations

(6) - 60 minutes 1 on 1 Coaching and Growth sessions via Zoom

*Prices are subject to change due to scheduling and availability.

All sales are final

The Finishings **Bonus**


Are you tired of staring at a closet full of clothes but feeling like you have nothing to wear? Do you want to make a killer first impression every time you step out the door? Transform your Look. Transform your Brand. Transform your Life!

With a keen eye for fashion and Building The Whole You, let us create looks that reflect your unique style, personality, and elevate your confidence. Say goodbye to fashion dilemmas. Let’s embark on a style journey together and discover the best version of you. Book your styling session today.

$500 per hour (2 hours minimum) for a total of $1,000

$500 per additional hour (4 hours maximum)

$2,000 on-site styling fee (4 hours maximum)

*Prices do not include transportation, lodging, or per diem

All sales are final

Need additional Coaching and Accountability Sessions


(1) - 30 minutes 1 on 1 Coaching and Accountability session via Zoom

*Prices are subject to change due to scheduling and availability.

All sales are final

Request for Blanche to Speak

Please fill out the form below and click the “Submit” button to send your request for Blanche to be a keynote speaker at your event. Please keep in mind that as a transformation consultant and motivational speaker, Blanche may not be available on the particular date that you have in mind. Booking early (several months) and being flexible with alternate dates will increase our chances of success.

TEstimonials of the transformed

Now Let’s Build

Harness your inner strength, navigate the financial realm, and build a harmonious life with our transformative coaching.